Kelley Richardson
I have always felt like I have more to give when it comes to serving my community and have been looking for the right opportunity to do more. A close friend of mine led me to the Josh Bidwell Foundation and I am incredibly honored to be part of a team who cares so deeply about our community. This group does amazing work for Douglas County residents through cancer service and youth sports. You can’t leave our annual fundraising event and not feel inspired!
Nikki Hansen
When I was first introduced to the Josh Bidwell Foundation, I was immediately drawn to its generosity and mission of serving those in our community. Years later I was given the opportunity to serve on the board and work alongside the members and generous donors committed to its mission. I have always had a passion serving and giving back, so to find a group of people who share that same love is incredible. We pride ourselves on knowing that all funds raised stay here in Douglas County and help provide services to local youth programs, continuing education students, and the brave members of this community who are fighting the ultimate fight. I am so honored to be a part of this organization, and I’m humbled knowing I live in a community where hearts are open to making a positive impact to those around us.
Jason Troxel
My connection to the Josh Bidwell Foundation began as a guest of the annual fundraiser, where I admired the organization’s dedication to supporting youth sports programs. Growing up in Douglas County, athletics had a significant positive impact on my life. When a colleague and friend was diagnosed with cancer, I asked if there was any way I could help him. He insisted I find a way to support the foundation, knowing the profound impact it would make on so many families in our community, not just his own. I am honored to contribute to a cause that means so much to Douglas County.
Garrett Hanna
I have been a youth sports coach in some capacity for most of my adult life. I see first-hand how important it is for a child to have a positive adult role model in their life. Like Josh has said many times, this positive role model is a coach or a mentor that a child has met while playing sports. I love that our organization gets to help be a part of shaping the future of young children in our community. Whether it is upgrading the football equipment at a local middle school or providing scholarships that allow kids that are less fortunate the chance to play, I think the Josh Bidwell Foundation plays a huge role in impacting the future of our kids through sports and I’m happy to be a part of that.
Ronda Paschke
There are so many worthwhile causes to donate ones time, but serving on the JBF board and seeing how we are able to speak into people's lives, enriches my life – so I guess I serve for selfish reasons, but it is an honor I cherish!! For many charitable organizations, the funds raised at the local level wind up going into a regional or even national fund and the local community receives only a small portion. However, 100% of the funds raised here in Douglas County STAY IN DOUGLAS COUNTY and go directly to youth organizations, sports programs and those affected by cancer who live here, our neighbors and friends not individuals in another state and I have been able to witness first hand how these funds have impacted and changed people’s lives.
Courtney Fitzgerald
I am so thankful to have the opportunity to serve on the board of the Josh Bidwell Foundation and give back to our community. After witnessing the impact that the Foundation has on families, joining the board felt like a true honor. I was born and raised in Roseburg, and have always had a passion for getting involved and helping those that I can. Seeing the funds raised stay local and directly impact our youth, youth sports and those affected by cancer is truly inspiring and unique. There are not many families that haven’t been touched by cancer and having the ability to help them in their time of need is so fulfilling. Being a board member has opened my eyes to how amazing Douglas County is and how when we all come together with one common goal- helping someone else, we together can truly do remarkable things.
Stacie Hanna
I have been a part of the Josh Bidwell Foundation for many years. First, as a guest, then a volunteer, and for over a decade, a board member. I love this foundation for many reasons but mostly for the fact that we are able to provide services and support to the Douglas County residents in a way that is truly life changing. I feel honored to be a part of a foundation full of members who share my passion for community work and I am excited to see how we continue to grow.
Trista Tomlinson
Being a board member of such an incredible foundation, is truly an honor. Community isn’t just where you live, it’s the connection between the people. Over the years while serving on the board, I have seen some amazing opportunities become available to our community thru what this foundation has to offer. It is a pleasure to serve on this board and bring light to our community members in their time of need.
Robert Wheeler
I have been fortunate enough to have served alongside Josh when he formed this foundation. Through the years, I have gotten to know Josh and see his passion for people, and his desire to give back to the community that did so much to help him during his own personal battle with cancer. His dream has become contagious and it has been exciting to see the impact the foundation has been able to make in the Community Cancer Center and numerous youth and sports programs here in Douglas County. The smiles on the faces of people the foundation has served through the years has made it worth serving on this foundation.
Blair Brundige
This foundation has a unique take on how to give back to its community. You don't often see both Cancer and Youth Sports being the main focus of a single organization. I think that gives us an edge. This community is comprised of some of the most generous people on the planet. Why not ask them to give back to a cause that they directly benefit from. Its amazing to be a part of that. To be able to see the smiles on the faces of young athletes or the tears on the faces of someone going through remission, it just doesn't get better. This foundation helps spark the fire to fight in people. That fight can be for a rebound, for and extra base, or even your life. It is an honor to be apart of this team.